- 2020-08-30 21:11:50+02:00
On the bike earlier when the weather was grey and the wind stiff enough to make me want to get off and check the machinery because I was sure it is was not working properly, I had moments of questioning why I was there at all.
Later in the warmth of recovery it all made sense again.
One aspect is that the fitness level contributed to my body's handling of the stroke in October.
I'm now feeling close to where I was, physically.
I still feel like an observer as some functions are being remapped neurologically, but basically it is all there. I don't feel close to being exploded into a thousand particles of inchoate energy and light anymore, as I was in the days and sometimes weeks after it happened..
A gift is a new enthusiasm to play guitar. And from the relief of survival flows a drive to be purposeful. In those earlier scattered exploded moments I was able to formulate the reasons I should be back here, so I seek to honour that intention.
2016 February Berlin